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Snorky is a full-bodied elephant puppet character from The Banana Splits Adventure Hour.


He was first performed by James Dove, later replaced by Robert Towers who voiced Makka Pakka in the US version of In The Night Garden. Rather than speaking, Snorky communicates via clown–esque honks with his trunk. (Contrary to many people believing that Don Messick provided a voice for Snorky, that was never the case.)

Snorky is mentioned by two names. In the opening theme song, he is called Snork, yet though throughout the show, he is called Snorky, which might also be a nickname for the character.

One of the recurring segments Snorky appeared in and played a major role was called The Great Fleegali, which was a magic show featuring Fleegle. Snorky assisted Fleegle in these sketches as Bingo and Drooper watched.

Each member of the Banana Splits was occasionally shown playing instrument. Snorky played the Keyboard.

Out of all the Splits characters, Snorky went through the most change. Originally Snorky was all covered in shaggy hair, but during the episode "The Great Banana Splits Race" A new Snorky costume was introduced. Snorky now was clean-shaven (with visible eyes) and wore a striped vest. This version was used throughout the show's second season. During the early 2000s when the Cartoon Network website revived the Splits for a multi-part online adventure, the original shaggy Snorky design returned.

In vintage Banana Splits merchandise (especially books), it was not uncommon to often see BOTH versions of Snorky used. At one point, in a puzzle set the Snorky used was a combination of BOTH designs-Snorky still had hair, but also the vest and eyes of the second season version.


