Rosalina Mario (or possibly Rosalina Wilfred) is the female main character of the SuperMarioLogan franchise.
She made her debut in the American Idol reboot, but she wasn't relevantly introduced until the following video, Mario's New Girlfriend!.
She is a human that was born and raised in outer space by two green aliens, and it's possible but in confirmed that she still lives with them. She is known to be the adoptive mother of Jeffy.
As of October 27, 2017, Rosalina became the official wife of Mario.
After Bowser's Mistake! on the 25th of July 2018, Rosalina appeared seldomly due to her actress Elaina Keyes attending school outside of Florida and having personal problems with some of the SML crew, namely Chilly, leading to the belief that she has been retired from the series as a main character as Brooklyn T. Guy took over the role as a theain tritagonist. However, she returned in Doctor Jeffy after a long-h atus. Rosalina has appeared in most Jeffy videos since and seems to be a theain character again though she seems to be appearing on and off in similar cases to Black Yoshi.