Johnny and the Sprites is a children's television show that aired on the Disney Channel. The series started as a collection of 5 shorts before being greenlit as a full series. The show ran from October 9, 2005 to April 19, 2008.
- John Tartaglia as Johnny T
- Leslie Carrara-Rudolph as Ginger The Air Sprite
- Tim Lagasse as Basil The Ground Sprite
- Carmen Osbahr as Lily The Water Sprite
- Heather Asch as Root The Earth Sprite
- John Tartaglia as Sage and Fuzzies (Additional puppeteer)
- James J. Kroupa as Seymour the Schmole
- Michael Schupbach as Fuzzies (Additional puppeteer)
- Jennifer Barnhart as Fuzzies (Additional puppeteer)
- Natalie Venetia Belcon as Gwen
- Sutton Foster as Tina (Guest star, 1 episode)
- Jill Gluckson - executive producer
- John Tartaglia - executive producer
- Richard A. Fernandes - Film Editor
- Laura Brock - Set Design and Decorator
- Michael Schupbach - Set Design and Decorator
- Gary Adler - musical director
- Bill Berner - lighting director
- Richard A. Fernandes
Writing credits[]
- Louise Gikow
- Jill Gluckson
- Michael Schupbach
- John Tartaglia
- Daryl Watson